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Night vision and weatherproofing are two more features that can improve the efficiency of your cameras and guarantee that they function correctly in all circumstances. With a comprehensive whole-house solution, you can be prepared for the unexpected. Had some issues with the camera sensitivity and Jason resolved these over the phone with no hassle. Many of you may fail to take whether the camera is WDR enabled into account on how to locate exterior cameras , resulting in the hardly identifiable images. With over seven years of experience as a content writer, Cathy has a knack for untangling complex information.

For more information about the services we offer, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact with our team who are always happy to help. All these elements can act as great deterrents to lawbreakers, making them think twice about accessing your garden. It is vital to consider the weak points in your own personal property, however there are certain areas of all homes that are commonly targeted by lawbreakers. Past Break-ins – Research the history of your home by asking past owners or landlords whether there have been any past break-ins and where on the property they occurred. When part of an image is extremely dark but another part is bright, you can’t see any details in the dark area without WDR in the camera, as the below image shows.
Are there alternative cheap home security cameras worth considering?
In current houses, the second floor is where most of the valuables are located. Also, criminals are innovative enough to dress up like a handyman and enter a home through an open window. Neighbors would think nothing of a criminal dressed up as a maintenance man with a 20-foot ladder entering your home.
So when you making decisions on where to place home security cameras, make sure the cameras for entrances have the WDR feature. To help you find the best cheap home security camera for you, our expert recommendations can help. ZDNET's recommendations are based on many hours of testing, research, and comparison shopping. We gather data from the best available sources, including vendor and retailer listings as well as other relevant and independent reviews sites. And we pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the products and services we’re assessing.
The Best Locations for Security Cameras
There isn't much hiding space for outdoor security cameras, which are often bullet cameras. Security cameras, however, usually discourage crimes like burglary and the destruction of private property. Both the actual placement of the camera and finding the ideal angle to complement it are crucial. You might only catch the top of a burglar's head if you install your home security cameras straight above windows or doors and fail to position them correctly. Ideally, place them a foot from a window or door and tilt the camera down toward the door. Correct placement is essential when deciding where to install home security cameras.
One of the benefits of security cameras is that they buy you time to consider or address a problem. To extend that time, it’s a good idea to include some cameras that cover your front yard and backyard in your outdoor security camera placement diagram. These cameras can give you an early warning if someone is approaching your window or front door and are especially helpful when monitoring the backyard, where there are fewer observers and passersby. An additional benefit of cameras that include the yard is that you can monitor children who are playing outside or keep an eye on your pet without running outside every few minutes.
However, never place security cameras in bedrooms, bathrooms, or on someone else’s property.
Security cameras serve the two primary purposes of investigating and deterring crime. In order to accomplish these goals, the best locations to place security cameras are entrances and exits, customer transaction points, target areas, and in secluded places. Finally, security cameras should be placed in secluded locations such as parking lots and back alleys where they can deter and investigate crimes including vandalism and violence.
After all, a well-rounded home security assessment will factor in perimeter security. With indoor cameras, be mindful of lamps, light fixtures and bright windows. Avoid facing your camera directly toward any of these light sources. Consider prioritizing any rooms that have large ground-floor windows — that way you can see if anyone tampers with them or uses one as a break-in point. Your home and yard layout, budget and home security priorities are different from your neighbor's, so there is no one-size-fits-all rule for security camera placement.
What Are the Best Locations for Home Security Cameras?
The basement window is an often forgotten place for homeowners, but a great place for criminals. This window is usually in a discrete area, can be pried or kicked open, and few will notice until it’s too late. The only reason they were caught is that their kids saw the couple walking in the garage and taking stuff out.

However, this simple truth can empower you to beat them at their own game. If homeowners pay close attention to burglary statistics, it’s easy to see that ingress points are targeted the most by burglars, home invaders, unauthorized guests, and the like. Approximately 34% of burglars use the front door in attempts to gain access to someones home. This is why security cameras should and sensors should be mounted in doorways for front doors, back doors, and any applicable side doors. The main factor that has to be taken into account for security camera placement is whether or not the camera has enough room to capture clear and concise footage.
After securing the front door, back door and off-street windows with security cameras, you have prevented about 80% of the burglars from breaking into your home. Before all else, each outdoor security camera usually performs differently from the other. Also, we all have different reasons why we might need to add one to our properties. So, the very first thing you need to do before deciding where you’ll place your security cameras is to figure out your situation. Once you do that, it will become easier to find the perfect system that will suit your needs. It is commonly said that burglars, like most things in nature, choose the path of least resistance.
Any entrance to your property is a possible way for a criminal to enter your personal space. Since doors are your most vulnerable areas, ensure that some cameras are pointed at them. To avoid tampering, follow the same safety procedures mentioned in the previous step. Patio and French doors are particularly vulnerable to break-ins, so strengthen them with thick glass and a strategically placed CCTV camera.
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